Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Lost Hero

Lucinda Anderson

The Lost Hero (summary)

Rick Riordan


"He woke in the backseat of a school bus, not sure where he was"...
Jason is a sixteen year old boy who has no memory of who he is or where he is, he wakes up on a bus that stops at the the museum of the grand canyon. He discovers that he apparently has a girlfriend called Piper and a weird friend named Leo, and that they where in the the wilderness school for bad kids in Nevada. After learning this Jason's day took a turn for the worst, he is unwillingly flung into a world of Greek mythology: Monsters, Demigods (half mortal, half god), and an occasional Satyr (half man, half goat). Jason and his friends Piper and Leo are whisked away to Camp half-blood, a camp for demigods. They embark on a quest to save Hera goddess of marriage, each with their own aim in the quest. Jason, Leo, and Piper travel across the United states facing unknown enemies, and in their struggle they slowly uncover the horrible secret in the capture of Hera...

I enjoyed this storey greatly, I loved how there was some humor in it and their way of describing the characters made it easy to picture them in real life.

I strongly suggest this book to people who love mythology, and a good adventure. It builds suspense and makes you keep guessing right to the end! The setting is also based on real life events, and pieces of history. I also suggest you read the series to get a fool grasp of the stories main Idea!

The Thief Lord

Robert Yoo
The Thief Lord
Cornelia Funke

The Thief Lord Summary
The story is set in Venice where abandoned houses and dark alleyways mix with great lagoons and tall buildings. In an abandoned movie theater called the Stella, a large place with a star-spangled curtain, a group of children live under the guidance of the Thief Lord. The Thief Lord is a boy named Scipio. He cares for the group of children by stealing things the children can sell. The two main characters of this story are also the newest recruits. Prosper is twelve and is the older brother of Bo, who is five. They are very close. So close that they ran away from their aunt Esther just to stay together, as their aunt had plans to separate them. Unlike most stories, their aunt is not evil. She just couldn’t care for both of the brothers so she wanted to send Prosper off to boarding school. The two brothers ran to Venice as their now-dead mother used to tell wonderful stories about the place. Now aunt Esther has hired a detective in Venice called Victor Getz to find Bo. Can Prosper and Bo avoid Victor and Esther? Read the book and see!
    After reading this book, I thought about how hard it must be to live on the streets. This book says it is much easier to manage living on the streets in a group rather than alone. It also made me think about how far you have to be pushed away by family and friends to run away from them. I could never manage that.
     I really enjoyed reading this book and I would recommend it for any and all ages. It has several good “ingredients” to be a really good story. By ingredients I mean things like orphaned brothers and a detective on their trail etc. I would rate this book as 9/10 for a well-written story with characters that have real depth. The storyline is also very well thought out.
                                       Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Shane Hodel



This book takes place in England, on a quite pleasent street and on that street there is a house and in that house there is a boy that boys name is Harry Potter.He lives with his aunt and his aunts family .The aunts family do not like him because harry Potters mother and father are wizards.So Harry Potter now goes to a school that his parents went to.This school is where all magicains go, so goes there to.This school is called Hogwarts.There are three main characters in this book ; Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger.These three characters are best friends and try to help but always get in trouble one way or another. They are like the dream team and solve lots of very dangerous problems. The action in this book is that Ronald's little sister becomes possessed by a book that the dark lord Voldamor possessed and if you read it you become possessed. She accidently read it.Since Ron's little sister was possessed she knew where the secret chamber was and walked into it, when the three main characters found out where the secret chamber was and knew she was possessed. So they walked into the chamber and on the way they found this huge snakeskin. They were now scared but they carry on anyways. Suddenly they feel the ground shaking and boulders come tumbling down and block of Hemione and Ron. Harry is now alone. He walkes up to a circular door with stone snake heads coming out of the door. Harry says a word in a language that only some wizards know its a language of the snakes. So the door opens and in the middle of the room lies Ron's little sister. He runs up to her, behind him out comes Voldamor but Harry does not know that it is Valdamor because he is in a younger form. Voldamor summons a great snake called a Basilisk. The principles Phoenix flies by and drops him a sword. Will he kill the Basilisk or not read and find out!

The style of this store is fiction because theres no such thing as magic or magicians. the story was written in Harrys perspective. The ideas i got from this story is that it would be cool to be Harry but it would also be dangerous. I would still like to be a famous wizard and help people and be able to use magic I would not care how dangerous it would be.

This book I would highly recommend this book to people that have read the first one. This book is great for people that like fantasy, adventure and action. I really like this book because you always had to keep on reading. It was'nt to difficult to read and you never know whats going to happen next.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Lost Hero

Tina Fischer

The Lost Hero

Rick Riordan

Mythology, action and fiction

A sixteen-year-old boy named Jason Grace wakes up on a bus on his way to the Grand Canyon with his school, with no memory. Two people; Piper and Leo, claim to be his friends, yet Jason has no idea who they are, who he is, and where he is! When they arrive at the Grand Canyon storm spirits attacked the three teenagers. Their protector Gleason Hedge turns out to be a satyr and Jason turns out to be able to fly saving Piper. The storm spirits leave taking Gleason Hedge with them. Later three demigods save them and take them to camp half blood where Jason turns out to be the son of Zeus, Leo gets claimed by Hephaestus and it is revealed that he can make fire while Piper got claimed to be Aphrodite’s daughter and can charm speak about almost anyone. Leo and Jason had dreams about Hera, the goddess needing their help, because she got captured. Piper also had dreams about someone being captured but it was not about Hera, instead it was about her father who was captured by a giant from Gaia who wants to ruin the gods. The three go on a Quest to save Hera and hopefully Pipers father. On their quest they fight some of the worst monsters of old times which escaped from the underworld and are helping Gaia destroy the gods.

I enjoyed reading this book a lot. I learned many things from this book including; how important friendship is, and facts about mythology both Greek, and Roman. I liked that there was a lot of action in this book, yet there was also a lot of suspense and I was always willing to continue reading the book. What I didn’t like was the beginning and the ending, I didn’t enjoy the beginning as much because I was confused and didn’t understand what was happening. What I didn’t like about the end was that the book stopped in the middle of the story, and it didn’t seem like an ending but rather a new beginning.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes action and Greek/roman mythology, or people who are between 10-14 years old. I don’t recommend it to people who don’t like mythology because that is the purpose of the book.  Many people recommended this book to me, and even though I didn’t enjoy it in the beginning, I liked it as I started understanding it.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Summer Reading The Lost Hero

Verushka Panoff

The Lost Hero

Rick Riordan

Fantasy and adventure

Jason a sixteen year old boy wakes up in a bus with no memory of who he is. On the way to a field trip to the Grand canyon, Piper a fifteen year old girl believes to be Jasons girlfriend and Leo a boy sitting next to him claims to be his best friend. As Jason does not remember anything he is vey confused. At the Grand Canyon storm spirits attack Jason, Piper and Leo. Coach Gleeson Hedge (a satyr) had been assigned to save the three teenagers from the storm spirits and risks his life for them. The three teenagers get sent to a camp for halfbloods. Jason, Piper and Leo are revealed to be children of the Greek gods. They are told about a prophecy and that the goddess Hera has been Captured. That evening at a big camp fire, in an amphitheatre, Jason gets claimed to be a son of Zeus, Leo a son of Hephasus, with the ability to create fire of nothing. Piper is revealed to be a daughter of Aphrodite with the rare gift to charmspeak. The three decide to go on a quest to save Hera before Gaia takes over the world using the gods power. At the same time Pipers dad has been captured my Encadelious. Now they have two goals that they want to accomplish but will they save them, both, in time?

My opinion on this book is very good. I learnt a lot like to always trust your friends and work as a team. At the start of the book Jason, Piper and Leo are not really friends but during their quest their friendship grows. I also found out that the roman gods are actually the greek gods with only some differences.  What I really liked about this book is that it is very action packed but at the same time has a right about of suspence, keeping the reader eager to read on. The only negative part of the book was that it is frustrating as it is a series it did not have a proper ending of the book.

I would recommend this book to people aged 11- 15, who like to read greek mythology and adventurous books. What I think is nice about the book is that the author writes the style of the book in a very humorous way, with scenes that can make us as readers laugh. I would not recommend this book to people that don’t like to read about cyclopses or other creatures from greek mythology and science fiction.

10,000 Days of thunder summary

10,000 Days of thunder

This is a true story based in Vietnam in the time of the 1960s to the early 1970s, when a massive war breaks out which will be known as the Vietnam war. North Vietnam is a communist country wanting dominance over the south of Vietnam. South Vietnam will not have a communist power so they go to war. The south also has the United states of America on there side and they also join the fight.The orgins of the Vietnam war started with a man named Ho Che Mihn. Ho wanted independence from the French when Vietnam was a colony to them. After World war 2, Ho only had one solution to the problem, he had to take Vietnam by force and at the beginning of the 1950s, Ho and his army of soldiers went to war  with French forces in Vietnam, Ho won the war but died before he saw Vietnam at peace once and forall and from that point on Vietnam was devided from North to South.

My opinion on 10,000 Days of thunder was it was a very intresting book which I enjoyed very much because I`ve wanted to learn about the Vietnam war for a very long time and it was worth the wait. It was also very interesting to find out about the secret missions and scandles that happend in the war.

I would recommend this book to young war historians who enjoy finding funny facts you would not expect.I would not recommend this book to people who would like action because it would bore them to death with the lack of exciting action scenes and cool charcters.


  • ·      Marcus
  • ·      Susan Beth Collins
  • ·      Fiction

The setting is in a little town in America were a young girl falls in love with a boy while a meteor hits the moon and tosses it closer to the world’s atmosphere causing worldwide tidal waves. This is not only bad for the people living at the sea. It also starts conflicts between the girl and her mom. Miranda, the girl, lives in a narrow street with houses crunched together. Next to it is a pond where Miranda has on e of the best times in her life. One day she gets picked up at school from her mom and finds herself running in and out of a store buying as much as she can.

I personally did not like this book as much because there were some very boring, repetitive parts. I liked it thought because it always showed u the date of when the events they went through happened.

I would recommend this book to people who like stories about normal people living a life explaining the needs and purposes of their life. I do not recommend this book to people who like action because there is not a lot of it in this book.